

AI Artificial Insemination

AM Animal Model

AR Auto Regressive

AYS Ayrshire type

B&W Black and White

BLUP Best Linear Unbiased Prediction

BSW Brown Swiss type

BW Breeding Worth

c Environmental correlation between records within sub-classes

CE Calving Ease

CG Contemporary group, comparison group

CI Calving Interval

DAM Maternal Genetic effect

DIM Days In Milk

DO Days Open

DRP De-Regressed Proof

DYD Daughter Yield Deviation

EBV Estimated Breeding Value

EPD Expected Progeny Difference

ET Embryo Transfer

ETA Estimated Transmitting Ability

F Fixed effect

FCM Fat Corrected Milk

FR Fixed Regression

GEBV Genomic Estimated Breeding Value

GUE Guernsey type

h2 Heritability of a trait

HOL Holstein-Friesian (Black-and-white) type

HYS Herd-Year-Season

JER Jersey type

Kg Kilogram

l Liter

LPL Length of Productive Life

lb pounds

IFL Interval between First and Last Insemiantion

MB Multi Breeds

ME Mature Equivalent, records are adjusted to mature cow yield basis

MGS Maternal Grand Sire

ml Mililiter

ML Multiple Lactations

MPE Maternal Permanent Environmental effect

MSH Milking Shorthorn type

MT Multiple Traits

NS Natural Service

PD Predicted Difference

PEV Permanent Environment

PIN Pinzgauer type

PL Productive Life

PTA Predicted/Progeny Transmitting Ability

R Random effect

REP Repeatability (model)

R&W Red and White

RBV Relative Breeding Value

RED Non-Ayrshire Red and Red-and-White type

RED Reduced Rank model

REL Reliability/Repeatability of a sire proof, given either in the scale between 0 and 1 or as percentage

REML Restricted Maximum Likelihood

rg Genetic correlation

rp Phenotypic correlation

RR Random regression

RTA Relative Transmitting Ability

SA Survival Analysis

SCC Somatic Cell Count

SCS Somatic Cell Score

SD Standard Deviation

SH Structrual Heteroskedastic

SIM Simmental type

SM Sire Model

SNF Solids-Not-Fat

SS Single Step genomic evaluation

ST Single Trait

t Repeatability of trait

TD Test Day

TDM Test Day Model

ThrM Threshold model

TMI Total Merit Index

TPr True Protein, 0.95*(crude protein)

TS Two-Step genomic evaluation

public/List of abbreviation (last edited 2024-09-03 14:22:30 by AnahitNazari)